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Maitreya Wolf
Wisdom Teacher, Shamanic Counselor, Entheogenic Priestess, Musician

Maitreya Wolf
Sep 27, 20214 min read
The Generosity of Grief
Story time: On a beautiful day in July, I found myself at a lovely gathering on a friends land. In the late afternoon there had been an...

Maitreya Wolf
Sep 24, 20213 min read
The nature of the time...
In the spring I wrote an essay titled “Living in the Dying Time” when I realized that there were hardly any honey bees showing up...

Maitreya Wolf
Sep 10, 20214 min read
Currently I am at the beginning of a new life woven of a wide array of new elements: a living space that is the most expensive space I...

Maitreya Wolf
Jun 8, 20216 min read
Taking a Stand
I have lived in many places throughout the course of this short life of mine. I began this journey on the East Coast of this country I...

Maitreya Wolf
May 4, 202112 min read
Living In the Dying Time
Take a deep breath. On the inhale, let that breath carry you all the way into your body. On the exhale let your body rest deeply into the...

Maitreya Wolf
Apr 7, 20216 min read
Sovereign : Messenger
I am one who is made of a message. Not a singular slogan around which a queendom could be raised, but a way of being which is a country...

Maitreya Wolf
Mar 24, 20215 min read
Healing Alienation from Soul
In the past two weeks there have been two active shooter incidents in the U.S. How telling that no hashtags have arisen to decry the...

Maitreya Wolf
Mar 16, 20215 min read
~Sacred Anger~
I have been feeling pretty shitty lately. It's been coming on slow and steady for a little while. I hadn't noticed it, but I was...

Maitreya Wolf
Mar 1, 20213 min read
Beauty Feeds the Soul
It's a strange moment to be alive in this world. It seems as though there are many parallel realities soaked into each other and...

Maitreya Wolf
Feb 17, 20214 min read
Reclaiming Our Attention
"Attention is the beginning of devotion." Mary Oliver Good day beloveds... I hope that you are warm and at ease wherever you are, and...

Maitreya Wolf
Feb 12, 20218 min read
Soul Power and Magic
This is the essence of my journey: to embody my power and to help others embody theirs because I know we are more powerful than we realize.
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