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Soul Empowerment Call

If you are interested in working together, reach out to arrange a free Soul Empowerment Call to talk about any of my offerings.


I look forward to hearing from you!


Soul Walkers Compass
Introductory Series 

3 months​


All new students begin here:


In this 3 month introductory series we map your most fulfilled self and cultivate the tools, techniques, and processes that support you in staying aligned with that self so that you can live with more clarity, power, wisdom, and joy.  


Schedule a consultation here.



The Temple of Rooted Radiance
6 month 1:1 Mentorship

Arrange a Soul Empowerment Consultation here


The Temple of Rooted Radiance is a journey of soul healing, self-mastery, and earth-based ritual practice in which you will learn how to root the unfolding of your own path into the greater natural cycles so that you can feel more confident, empowered, clear, and resourced in your life, work, and relationships.


This is a path of deep practice for people who are ready to go farther with their personal development than you've gone before so that you can participate in this most extraordianry time with clarity, grace, wisdom, power, and joy.


Schedule a free consultation call to learn more.


Tarot Readings

60 minutes: $150 


A tarot reading is a wild, mystery-fueled counseling session in which we ask your deepest self for guidance through the medium of the cards, which I have worked with for over 15 years.


Use this link to schedule:​


Entheogenic Journey

If you are interested in exploring the possibility of a journey together, please visit this link and I will be in touch to schedule a consultation once I've received it: 

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This site is copyright 2020 by Maitreya Wolf for Soul Power Mentoring.

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